51 Tip dan Trik Brilliant Windows 10 Sejauh ini

Jadi, Tanpa info lagi yang tidak berguna, ini dia daftar trik rahasia windows 10 untuk Anda.

Baca Juga: 101 Trik Komputer Tersembunyi Terbaik yang belum Anda ketahui

Anda dapat membuka Komputer Saya Dengan menekan tombol Windows + E

Gunakan pintasan keyboard Windows 10 baru

Meskipun Windows 10 adalah versi Windows yang ditingkatkan, banyak pintasan keyboard telah dipertahankan dari versi sebelumnya, tetapi pintasan baru tertentu yang khusus untuk fitur Windows 10 ditambahkan.

  1. Windows + A: Menghadirkan Action Center
  2. Windows + C:  Membawa cortana
  3. Windows + I: Menampilkan menu pengaturan
  4. Windows + Ctrl + D: Menambahkan Desktop baru
  5. Windows + Ctrl + panah kiri / panah kanan: Beralih di antara Desktop

Cari tahu aplikasi mana yang menghabiskan lebih banyak ruang dengan sensor penyimpanan windows 10


Tekan tombol windows + PrintScreen , dan screenshot akan secara otomatis disimpan di PC Anda

Tangkapan layar dari jendela terbuka Anda saat ini yang Anda lihat di monitor Anda secara otomatis disimpan dalam folder gambar / tangkapan layar  setelah Anda menekan tombol windows dan tombol Printscreen bersamaan.

Sembunyikan folder Sepenuhnya Dengan Command Prompt

Untuk menyembunyikan folder, pertama-tama telusuri ke lokasi di mana folder itu berada.

Sekarang, lakukan shift + Klik Kanan  dan klik pada jendela command prompt yang terbuka di sini.


Sekarang, Di command prompt (CMD) ketik perintah ini

attrib + s + h "Nama folder"

Begitu Anda menekan enter, folder Anda akan disembunyikan. Sekarang, tidak ada yang bisa melihat folder tersembunyi ini, hanya dengan memeriksa show hidden folder and files in windows PC.


Untuk menampilkan folder, buka CMD seperti yang disebutkan di atas dan ketik perintah di bawah ini

attrib -s -h "ItemName"

Nonaktifkan akses ke port USB, sehingga tidak ada yang bisa mencuri data melalui USB dari PC Anda

Apakah Anda ingin melindungi data Anda sehingga tidak ada yang bisa mengeluarkannya dari PC Anda melalui pen drive, Lalu berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memblokir port usb. Anda dapat mengaktifkan kembali kapan pun Anda mau.

1. Dalam pencarian kotak pencarian RUN. Anda juga dapat menekan tombol windows + r. 2. Sekarang, ketik regedit di dalamnya untuk membuka editor registri. 3. Setelah menjelajah ke lokasi berikut yang diberikan pada langkah berikutnya 4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ usbstor 5. Di area kanan, klik dua kali pada Start. 6. Pada kotak Value Data, ubah nilainya menjadi 4. 7. Terakhir Klik OK. 8. Tutup Registry Editor dan restart PC Anda. 9. Untuk mengaktifkan kembali akses ke port USB Anda, masukkan 3 di kotak Value Data pada Langkah 6.


Untuk membuka item ke-3 di Taskbar cukup tekan tombol Windows + 3 dan seterusnya…


Untuk menyoroti dan fokus pada item Taskbar gunakan tombol Windows + T


Juga jika Anda mengklik tengah pada ikon bilah tugas, itu akan membuka jendela baru

Menekan tombol Windows + Panah memaksimalkan atau meminimalkan video

Window + UP = Maksimalkan jendela

Window + DOWN = Minimalkan jendela

Window + LEFT = Atur jendela ke bagian kiri layar Anda

Window + RIGHT = Atur jendela ke bagian kanan layar Anda

Memata-matai aktivitas Online Anak Anda. Dapatkan laporan email terperinci setiap minggu dari situs web yang dikunjungi

Untuk ini buat akun anak di PC windows Anda. Buka akun Microsoft Anda dan pastikan sudah dihidupkan.

akun anak

Rekam layar Anda Dengan menekan tombol Windows + G dan memulai bilah game

bar permainan

Kalkulator Windows 10 Anda dapat melakukan lebih dari sekadar penghitungan sederhana


Baca halaman web tanpa gangguan dengan Reading View di Microsoft Edge

Jika Anda ingin menyingkirkan iklan yang mengganggu atau rekomendasi yang tidak diinginkan, gunakan opsi "Tampilan Membaca".


Bagikan Tautan Web atau Tangkapan Layar Web di Microsoft edge


Gunakan Fitur Pencatatan Edge Browser untuk membuat anotasi ke halaman web


Dapatkan Pemberitahuan email dengan suara di Detail Windows 10

To quickly change the case (upper case / lower / sentence case ) of text in Microsoft Word, select the phrase, then hit Shift + F3 .

To declutter Start Menu Just go to Settings->Personalization->Start and uncheck everything


To remove password login , just search netplwiz in windows 10 taskbar

Now, disable the checkbox saying user must enter a username and password.

nonaktifkan-kata sandi-masuk

You can create an alarm or use stop watch. Just search alarm in windows 10 taskbar search


To Disable spying in windows 10, just turn off everything in privacy settings

Press windows key + i and go to settings control panel. Once there, click on privacy.

pengaturan Privasi

Now go on each and every item in the left panel and turn off each and everything, unless it is utmost important to you.


Just save your Powerpoint presentation in .PPS instead of .PPT, your file automatically  starts in slideshow mode Once you open it.

If you save an Excel file as an .XLSB , it will compress the size by upto 75%

In Microsoft Excel, to highlight the whole column (vertical), use Control + Spacebar , and to  highlight the whole row (horizontal) use Shift + Spacebar .

Double Click on top left of any open window to close it.

jendela klik dua kali

Redirect any folder to another folder

You can change downloads, My document or any other default windows folder to another location with this hack. Just, right click on the desired folder and click on Properties, then choose location. Now change the folder location to any other folder.

ganti lokasi

View Expanded Send to Menu by pressing shift while right clicking on any file

Just search these hidden tools in windows 10 search box. I bet you don’t know half of them

  • Reliability Monitor : With this single tool you can view your PC problems history.
  • Resource Monitor : Analyze your system performance
  • Performance Monitor : Use it to find resource eating culprit processes
  • netplwiz : Opens the Advanced User Accounts window.
  • lusrmgr.msc : Opens the Local Users and Groups Manager.
  • gpedit.msc : Group Policy Editor.
  • mrt : This tool helps you in cleaning some of the most popular malicious software from your Windows computer.
  • ncpa.cpl : To access all your Network Adapters, you can use this Run command.
  • powercfg.cpl : Power Options.
  • appwiz.cpl : Access the Programs and Features window to uninstall your installed programs.
  • devmgmt.msc : Windows Device Manager to manage all your hardware devices.
  • sysdm.cpl : Access the System Properties window.
  • firewall.cpl : Manage or configure your Windows firewall.
  • wuapp : Check, manage and configure all your Windows update settings.

Just search Problem steps recorder in the search box. Use it to record your screen activity with steps for contacting support.

perekam langkah

Just run cipher /w:driveletter:\ foldername   in Command prompt to ensure permanent deletion of deleted files in that folder

Most people do not know that when they delete files on their windows PC, they do not get deleted fully. They can be recovered easily with data recovery programs. So if you are giving your laptop for a fix to a service provider, make sure to run this program to overwrite free space, to ensure deletion of your sensitive file.

For example you have a sensitive file in a folder named pics in D drive. then run the given below command to ensure permanent deletion of files.

cipher /w:D:\pics


If you want to overwrite entire free space in entire D drive, just run cipher /w:D.

You can also Open start Menu by Pressing Ctrl + Esc

You can create a Keyboard shortcut for opening any application

Just right click on the application shortcut and click on properties. Now, put the desired shortcut in the field as shown in the image.


You can use Your notepad as a Diary with automatic time stamps

Just write .LOG at the top of your Notepad file in Capital letters. Now whenever you will open it and write your entries, time and date will be automatically get printed along with it.


You can Transform any folder into recycle Bin. Just rename the folder as Your Folder name.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

You can Cut / Copy and paste here. All the files in the original recyle bin will also be reflected here.

Create a Shortcut on your Dekstop to lock the screen

Just right click on desktop anywhere and create a shortcut. Now put  rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation  in the location. Now whenever you will double click on it, your PC will get locked instantly.

Rename Multiple Files at Once

Just select all files in a folder and press F2 key. Now rename the single file and all your files will be renamed with extensions (1), (2) and so on appended with it.

ganti nama-banyak-folder-sekaligus

Watch and Enjoy star wars movie right there in your CMD window

Just run telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl. in your CMD.

Note: – Before that you have to enable Telnet in your PC. Search Turn windows feature on or off in your search box. Click on the Turn windows feature on or off.

Now, enable telnet.


Now,  Open Command Prompt and enter telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl. and press enter.

Now, enjoy the movie. Just for fun.


You can change any Windows OS password without knowing current password

Just open command prompt as admin and Run the command net user. This will show you the list of usernames. Now run net user user_name new_password . The password will straightaway get changed. Details.

Change item in the send to menu

Just open run command and enter shell:sendto in it. Now go and paste the shortcut of the item you want to include in the send to menu.


Create run command for any program of your wish

Just create the shortcut of the program and paste the shortcut in System32 folder. Now, just type the shortcut name in run box and it will open instantly.


Run Systeminfo in your command prompt and see all useful info of your PC

Force Kill any program instantly, For e.g. to kill firefox run taskkill /f /im firefox.exe in run box

If you want to run a program as administrator Just Press CTRL + Shift + Right Click

Do a right Click while keeping CTRL +Shift Key pressed The run as administrator will be there in the context menu.

Pressing Shift + Right Click will give an option to open command prompt window there

For example if you have to enter a folder path in Command prompt, then just go to the respective folder and do a shift + Right click there and open command prompt window here option will be seen.

Open God Mode in Windows 10 and access all settings at one place

Most of you may know this, just create a folder named God.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and access god mode by opening that created folder.

dewa-mode-windows-10-mnt (1)

Enable Item Checkboxes to easily select and delete files

In file explorer, just click view and check item checkboxes


Restrict PC usage of an account on your Windows PC

For restricting PC usage timings of an account on your windows PC, just open command prompt ad admin and enter code given below.

net user username /Sa-Su,7pm-8pm

Block Particular websites on your PC

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc on your computer. Now, Copy the file to your desktop, open it with a notepad editor and add two lines in the bottom of the file.      www.websitename.com      websitename.com

Now, save it and copy and paste it back to etc folder.


No, one can open the website, unless you remove these two lines again.

Disable USB Port in your windows PC, so that no one can steal data out

  • Press windows key + r and type regedit in it.
  • Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM – > CurrentControlSet – > Services -> UsbStor
  • Now, change the value of start to 4.


Automatically shutdown windows after a desired time

Suppose you are watching a movie and do not know when you will fall asleep.

in this case just press windows key + r and type the code given below in run command box.

shutdown –s –t 600


Your PC will automatically shut down after 600 seconds, i.e. 10 minutes. you can change 600 to whatever time you wish your pc to shutdown.

Note:– To cancel this process just type shutdown -a.

View wifi password if you forgot it

Right click on wifi network connection icon in network connections.


Click on the option called Wireless Properties as shown in the image below.


Click on Show Characters box in order to get your current password.


You can create a keylogger for yourself with a simple script . Details


Create a Shortcut to shutdown your Desktop

Right click on your desktop and create a new shortcut paste Shutdown -s -t 00 in location of the drive field.

jalan pintas

Save time and Go Directly to a particular settings in Windows 10. just copy and paste these in run command box

Press windows key + r to open run command and paste any one of the command given below to directly go to a particular windows 10 settings.


Battery Saverms-settings:batterysaver
Battery usems-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
Battery Saver Settingsms-settings:batterysaver-settings
Data Usagems-settings:datausage
Date and Timems-settings:dateandtime
Closed Captioningms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
High Contrastms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
Other Options (Ease of Access)ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
Offline mapsms-settings:maps
Airplane modems-settings:network-airplanemode
Notifications& actionsms-settings:notifications
Speech, inking, & typingms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
Region& languagems-settings:regionlanguage
For developersms-settings:developers
Mouse& touchpadms-settings:mousetouchpad
Ethernetms-pengaturan: jaringan-ethernet
Hotspot selulerms-pengaturan: jaringan-mobilehotspot
Wifims-pengaturan: jaringan-wifi
Kelola Pengaturan Wi-Fims-settings: jaringan-wifisettings
Fitur pilihanms-pengaturan: fitur opsional
Keluarga & pengguna lainms-pengaturan: pengguna lain
Personalisasims-pengaturan: personalisasi
Latar belakangms-pengaturan: personalisasi-latar belakang
Warnams-pengaturan: warna-personalisasi
Mulailahms-pengaturan: personalisasi-mulai
Daya & tidurms-pengaturan: PowerSleep
Kedekatanms-pengaturan: kedekatan
Layarms-pengaturan: pemutaran layar
Opsi masukms-settings: signinoptions
Sense Penyimpananms-pengaturan: penyimpanan
Temams-pengaturan: tema
Mengetikms-pengaturan: mengetik
Mode tabletms-pengaturan: // tabletmode /
Pribadims-pengaturan: privasi